“When [billing] goes well, no one cares. When it goes wrong, it’s the end of the world.” Kind of overly dramatic, sure, but in business, also pretty right on the money. Longtime Forrester Senior Analyst Lily Varon attributed that eye-popper of a statement to a customer in one of her articles some time back on […]

Consolidate Your Complexity
Author: Keshav Singh In a world of ever-increasing digitization, businesses need a guide to help them navigate the complexities of modern billing. Only a top-tier solution such as RecVue is capable of fulfilling customer expectations with adaptability and accuracy within a user-friendly, configurable interface. RecVue’s robust billing engine was specifically created to cater to all […]
Technology Needs to Employ Technology
Sometimes technology firms are too smart for their own good. The case of the onetime smartphone kingpin, Blackberry, is a good example for our purposes. In the late 1990s, the company’s smartphone and tablets were all the rage. Their offering of an arched keyboard and revolutionary instant messaging technology were real game-changers within the mobile […]
Looking for Silver Linings from 2021
There are good years, and there are bad years and there are years like 2021. We can all agree the ongoing changes brought about by the COVID pandemic have created an economic environment that is anything but ‘business as usual.’ These semi-recent circumstances have certainly helped to further the ongoing evolution of the office of […]
December 17, 2021 by
Muntasir Alam
Your Software Should Fit Your Business, Not the Other Way Around
Published by: Forbes In this guest-authored article for Forbes, RecVue CEO Nishant Nair, a member of the Forbes Technology Council, discusses the all-too-common problem – and results – of businesses being forced to adapt to their internal applications, and how to prevent this from happening. In 2014, American brewing conglomerate MillerCoors was running seven different […]
The Best Way to Serve Business Services
Business services are services primarily consumed by organizations, with the resulting value coming from such intangible elements as outcomes, experiences, knowledge and customer service. Examples of business services include the following: Consulting – type of business service providing advice or labor for a fee Outsourcing – a class of business service delivering entire business processes, […]
Manufacture Your Company’s Success
The year was 2014 and Pennsylvania-based manufacturing firm, Worth & Company, sought to update its internal financial applications. Several years later after multiple go-live push-outs, a $4.5M breach lawsuit and, ultimately, no new system rollout, let’s just say things went a bit sideways. Years were spent attempting to customize the application to the mechanical contractor’s […]
Don’t Be a Turkey!
The North American tradition of the Thanksgiving holiday is typically centered around family, food and – for those in much of the lower section of the continent – the American version of football. That’s a fairly well-known fact. What might not be so well known about the holiday? Welp, how about…. The very first Thanksgiving […]